Sunday, June 6, 2010

Update on Writers' Bliss Page Vegie's World

We have just updated our page Vegie's World. Read about what are vegetables? Vegetables nutrition, vegetables variety and their types according to their color.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Everything you need to know about 4G

If your smartphone seems more like a slowphone, hang in there. The next generation of wireless technologies, known as 4G, promises blazing-fast data transmission speeds.

The first 4G handset, Sprint's HTC Evo, hits U.S. retail stores Friday, making this a good time to answer your questions about the fast wireless technology behind the Evo.

4G is just getting started, and even Sprint's network is only available in a handful of cities. But in just about two years, 4G could be almost everywhere.

All major U.S. wireless carriers are working on upgrading their systems to 4G -- though we would prefer if some, like AT&T, got their 3G networks working properly in the meantime.So what goodness will 4G bring to the world and should you hold your breath for it? Read on for our quick guide to all those burning questions about 4G.

Read more on WIRED


Penned by Nadeem F. Paracha
Kudos to television journalist, Talat Hussain, for surviving the audacious Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla, and returning home to tell the tale.
Now, if only our brave media personalities could exhibit exactly the same kind of commitment and guts in condemning all the gore and tragedies that take place in the name of faith in our own country …
That would be asking for a bit too much, wouldn’t it? After all, they know that if they were to do so, not only would they suffer labels of being ‘liberal extremists,’ or ‘western/Indian/Zionist agents,’ but no prominent government functionary would dare or bother receive them as heroes either.